I had the pleasure of serving Mistress Kizumi as her personal sissy maid. I can honestly say it was one of the most enthralling experiences of my kink life. She is absolutely stunning looking with her long blond hair, long legs and beautiful figure. The combination of her beauty, the smell of her perfume and her sensual voice put me in my submissive zone instantly. She was strong on communication and made sure both of us knew what was expected of the session. She spent time learning about my background and kinks. Being turned into a sissy by her was like a hypnotizing experience. Once I stood in front of her all dressed up with makeup and heels on, following her orders came just naturally. She was strict with her instructions and made sure I did all the tasks properly. She made sure I was kept busy like a sissy maid should be, and made me redo tasks when they were not up to her standards. I am thankful she put effort into making me a better sissy maid. I am already looking forward to serving her again.

Curtsy, Sissy Alicia